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Pika-Robo's avatar

[DL] Fluffle Puff

Character  Fluffle Puff


After all this time, it finally happened!  Someone here actually bothered to make Fluffle Puff for Gmod/SFM!  Free for all who want to use!

As you can well imagine, the limbs might be hard to click on and drag because the fluff is in the way (because you can't see them, not because physics issues thankfully) so i reccommend the stand and pose tools when using this model.
This is only version 1 so I might be making minor updates every now and then.  It's not perfect; this is my first full mod after all.  It should run fine in the programs though.  if there's any major problems let me know.

You could also download it on the Steam Workshop here:

EDIT1:  I made the mane a little flatter and pushed some fluff back so now you can see inside her mouth.  (Just don't turn her head too far.)

I'd also like to thank :iconglaber: for help with testing, fixing and some organizing.
Fluffle Puff is owned by mixermike622 :iconmixermike622:
Based on the Fluffle Puff tumblr and shorts.
© 2014 - 2024 Pika-Robo
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OperaPF777's avatar

Good Fan Character but terrible creator behind her.