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Heine Poem in Fraktur



A poem by Heinrich Heine written in something close to "Münchner Fraktur". I had to check with "Duden" (German orthography bible) for the long s (ſ ). No half r in Fraktur however; luckily there are no d/o/p-r combinations in it.

This is my first real practice run with an actual calligraphy pen. I didn't use the most expensive paper and ink ( or nib for that matter) since I was unsure if I like it or not. I am also lefthanded, I have yet to find out if a regular pen is better or an angled one.

I'm very interested in typography and palæography, that's where I get my inspiration from. Well, the work of the gifted :iconscriptorcarelus: played a big part, too.

Comments appreciated, I want to know where I can improve. The spacing and kerning need work for example. Licence is CC, as long as you credit Heine for the poem ;)
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Errance's avatar
You may trace also vertical line, or use for training a paper with horizontal & vertical line. I look to your other calligraphy, the main problem is that your letter lean to the right.
If you can't find a left-handed nib, you can file a right-handed one to have the good angle.
The bottom sherif are too big on the "M", "N".
I think you can make your capital letters a little bigger.
Space between letters & words are good, you can decrease the line spacing.

Your are on the good way, this is a good work. :-)