Zane Meet BrownsonPierre1987 on DeviantArt

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Pierre1987's avatar

Zane Meet Brownson



Back in 2008, Zane who was just a young  newlywed decided to go in a camping for honeymoon with his wife Lilith, its been three day they we're there has Zane decide to go walking in the forest alone despite some people tent around the forest, has he was walking toward a pile of trash  he heard a baby crying  has he look he see a baby inkling with brown ink spiky hair crying, has Zane pick him up  the baby inkling thinking he wanted to hurt him cry even more, but Zane didn't want to hurt the little inkling and put him comfortable on him has he still in his arms and he calm the baby inkling down.

Zane: Hey its okay little guy you're save with me!!!

Brownson:  goo goo 😢 *Has he hugs Zane for protection*

Zane: I'll go to call you  Brownson and i'll protect you from any harm  don't worry I'll not letting anyone hurt you!!!


Splatoon belong to Nintendo

Zane and Brownson belong to me
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1280x720px 82.45 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Pierre1987
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splatoonfeet2's avatar

what's wrong with him?