Pumpkin Patch Rise of the Guardian OcPierre1987 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pierre1987/art/Pumpkin-Patch-Rise-of-the-Guardian-Oc-915628308Pierre1987

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Pumpkin Patch Rise of the Guardian Oc



Real name: Marcus  Hamilton
Guardian name he was given: Pumpkin Patch
Date of birth: 30 October 1800
Date of death:31 October 1820
He's very kind and friendly  but he is a bit stubborn  sometime as he always  try to be snmarter then anyone else,He also  want to help others when he has  the  time because he do love to help but when he learn Pitch is  free again  he seem skeptikal but he want to know where  he is,he is always  try to  make fun of others sometime just to annoy them but he can very  gentle when  everyone know him well has he  does also respect others sometime.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
He is tall but  he do wear a  orange pumpkin cap ,and has orange  skin  with white eyes and green hairs  he also wear a  white buttoned short sleeves shirt with green pants and orange shoes on his feets.
He was born in a family of two boys he and his  little brother always play  in the pumpkin patch during the halloween season, they loved eachother and do it every years   has their parents   bring them there every years to have fun ,unfortunately it didn't last long.Because Marcus when he was young adult and his brother  was a preteen  Marcus was feeling ill but he still going  to the pumpkin  patch despite the doctors telling the family ne needed rest,he insisted to see the pumpkin one last time before finally going forever he did watch over his brother at the time and have a bit of fun,unfortunately   while he was walking threw the pumpkins he feel on the ground and closed his eyes,he was buried on the side of his favorite pumkin patch he was chosen  by the man of the moon to be a halloween spirit  he always make sure that hallloween is fun and  not really scary despite people getting scare sometime.
Unknow Parents
Unknow Brother
Jack Frost
All the children
Pitch Black and the Nightmares

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© 2022 - 2025 Pierre1987
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