Nick attacked By  Tough and RumblePierre1987 on DeviantArt

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Nick attacked By Tough and Rumble



Has Kid Zekan and Kid Kuki has left Dans after visiting him they  did  go  into  Inkopolis plaza to eat but when they arrived  two twin kid harrassing and hurting  someone  ad see who it  was has Kid Nick got on the ground after be kicked by Kid Tough and Rumble who was pulling  his hair and laughing.

Kid Nick:Waaaaah Leave  me alone!!!

Kid Tough and Kid Rumble:  Hahahahahahahahaha

Kid Nick: Waaaaaah Daddy!!!

Both twin laughed has they torment him.

Kid Tough: Hahahahahahaha Like Inkrone told us you're  stupid daddy is dead Hahahahaha*has he continue pulling the hair*

Kid Rumble: Yeah he's not coming to save you  stupid brown nobody will!!! Hahahahahahahaha

Kid Nick: Waaaaaaaaah HELP!!!!

Kid Tough and Rumble:  Hahahahahahahahaha

Kid Kuki: Zekan we have to do something?!

Kid Zekan: You're right we can't let them hurt him!!!

Splatoon belont to Nintendo

Zekan Kuki  Tough and Rumble belong to ZekanTeriyaki 

Nick Belong to me
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SirWoomy's avatar

Yuki : *claws off at rumble face*