Horror Farytale The three Little Pigs 13+Pierre1987 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pierre1987/art/Horror-Farytale-The-three-Little-Pigs-13-889798139Pierre1987

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Horror Farytale The three Little Pigs 13+



I decide to do a horror comic on fairytale of our childhood except that it take a dark turn, so be ready   to be scared because all  story that we know as turn dark and that are not the same as we know as child like The Three Little Pigs,Cinderella ETC, that series will be every Friday when I will have time for   this, but be warned same if I am not really into gore and blood  this series will have a lot of them  same if I put teen age  if you are sensible well don't go there  because  if you are  not comfortable with it   iI suggest you to turn away when its still time,  because these monsters  in this story  will gave you nightmare at night
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