Dawson Oranginton Sfm Splatoon OCPierre1987 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pierre1987/art/Dawson-Oranginton-Sfm-Splatoon-OC-978265277Pierre1987

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Dawson Oranginton Sfm Splatoon OC



He is one of the paternal Uncles of Nick,he is not kind  and was always abusive  as he did not want him around,he hated to see browns around them and do not want anything to do with them he is the older brother of Hugo and his late younger brother Benson has him and Hugo still alive  they we're both abusive just looking for the inheritance of Benson and wanted to steal it from Nick,he is also one of the people who want to get rid of the browns forever has he dont want them around them.
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ZekanTeriyaki's avatar

Zekan: Whoa! What’s up with the stink eye?