.: DisconnectedPicolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/Disconnected-518402542Picolo-kun

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.: Disconnected


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"Suddenly, I have found a location that "Maps" could not access

It had a colorful and vivid sky, brighter than any phone screen

I'll fly away into that sky, get lost and never be found."

This doodle was inspired by that "maps want to use your location" messageI’m not here to bash Google Maps or smartphones. I use both regularly and I definitely appreciate the convenience they’ve added to my life. I feel like this doodle is a self advice since I'm getting way too attached to these technologies lately.

Taking a walk, real conversations and watching sunsets are the kind of things that will never be replaced. 

Also this was a good exercise to draw people crowds which is very uncomfortable.


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.: Orange is the New Color by Picolo-kun.: Now playing... by Picolo-kun

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© 2015 - 2025 Picolo-kun
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That picture reminds me the first time I lost my Samsung smartphone, it really hurt me a lot. And location symbols reminds me that when I read https://www.samsunger.com/2023/07/find-my-phone-on-samsung-locate-and-control-lost-devices.html this article, there was a prerequisites which is "Location Should be Turned On". DAMN!!