#268 WerewolfPicolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/268-Werewolf-491315707Picolo-kun

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#268 Werewolf



"Even a man who is pure in heart

And says his prayers by night
May become a wolf
When the wolfbane blooms
And the autumn moon is bright."

This theme was a bit challenging because I didn't want to draw the same old hunky-like werewolf. Also I'm pretty sure it would be an anatomy disaster if I drew it.:XD: The moon thing was inspired on some moon tattoos I've seen lately.

If the human part looks like Okumura Rin for you: let's say I've been reading a LOT of Ao No Exorcist lately c:

Halloween doodles:

#248 Vampires and bubblegums by 365-DaysOfDoodles#267 Poison Apple by 365-DaysOfDoodles#255 Salem by 365-DaysOfDoodles#253 Wicked by 365-DaysOfDoodles#250 Ghost Type by 365-DaysOfDoodles


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1209x933px 834.81 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Picolo-kun
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Avian17americant's avatar

Hello! could I use the image above for a playlist video on youtube? I would give credit via direct link to your deviant art page or what ever means you prefer.