#261 Take PicturesPicolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/261-Take-Pictures-489371160Picolo-kun

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#261 Take Pictures



Help your memory and take pictures! 

An advice I should follow sometimes :XD:. I'm really not into pictures (especially my own because I'm not photogenic), but I really wonder if, in the future,  I'll regret not having a photo of when I was younger. O.O 

How do you guys feel about taking pictures of yourselves? I would really enjoy to hear =]

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sopheony's avatar
 Me and my cousine used to take photos since we were small. When we see them now we are terryfied because it was a long time ago and it's hilarious how we looked and acted then. Nowadays when we are both busy and can't see each other that often, I have fewer proper photos of myself, because I took the photos on family events. But I don't mind it, because it feels so good to give them memories! c: