#240 MulanPicolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/240-Mulan-483642985Picolo-kun

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#240 Mulan

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Trying something unusual for me here, used some intense shadows to create a dramatic effect. I'm still not sure if I like the result but I'm definitely going to try that more often. [:

Sorry for not drawing Mushu and the other guys, I may draw them on another doodle ><'/

Others from the series:
#237 Heart of Atlantis by 365-DaysOfDoodles#238 One Hundred and One Dalmatians by 365-DaysOfDoodles#150 Lilo and Stitch by 365-DaysOfDoodles#142 The Lion King by 365-DaysOfDoodles#235 Back to Neverland by 365-DaysOfDoodles


Image size
1201x934px 837.69 KB
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