#234 OverthinkingPicolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/234-Overthinking-481857011Picolo-kun

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#234 Overthinking



"I just can't escape my thoughts."

This is an accurate depiction of how I'm feeling right now. I'm currently working on 2 jobs, one is art related and the other one is not. It's been really hard to balance them. My "to do" list seems to get bigger and bigger :l

Also, I saw something about overthinking on Tumblr and found it very relatable. so I wanted to draw something out of it. Sorry for the gloomy mood :c

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Image size
1200x930px 870.41 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Picolo-kun
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HI,i just saw your art and im'sorry about that my classmate stole your art and put it in her final work ...