Picolo-kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/picolo-kun/art/207-Legacy-473262017Picolo-kun

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#207 Legacy

107.7K Views1 Collected Privately


If you follow my work for some time you know that I'm a die-hard Ghibli/Miyazaki fan. His work is probably my greatest influence. the recent news about Studio Ghibli shutting down weighted heavily on my heart. 
Thankfully, as far as I've read, they're just taking a break for a while. ^^ 

Here's my tribute to Hayao Miyazaki and the wonderful world he created. May his legacy inspire a lot of other artists as it inspires me.

Featured doodles:

#159 Prince Mononoke by 365-DaysOfDoodles#160 Moving Castle's new owner by 365-DaysOfDoodles#63 Spirited Away by 365-DaysOfDoodles#68 My Neighbor Totoro by 365-DaysOfDoodles#69 Kiki's Delivery Service by 365-DaysOfDoodles


Image size
1102x838px 700.98 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Picolo-kun
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What0Th30R3d0Fox's avatar
Was it a dip-pen or just the ordinary one?