Pickleweasel360 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pickleweasel360/art/Starla-CC-Villager-1125680602Pickleweasel360

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Starla CC [Villager]



RNG character, but design by @WEREFYSH

Starter: Scarf + TBA + TBA

Name: Starla
Birthday: Jan 1st
Species: RAIDER - Caterpillar x Cosmic Entity
Catchphrase: "Shine On"
Quote: "..."

Character Type: Snooty

Comes with Cosmetologist job

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Raiders - Lore and Abilities

Weakness: Touch

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⭐ For CC rules, any of these abilities will not effect other players unless they want to follow it.

Darkvision: Can see well in the dark, but in shades of gray.

Eye Appearance Changes: Can glow any color in any of their forms and can change colors / pupil shape.

Silk Purse Potion: Has a mini pocket dimension in their chest to store all their possessions and equipment. Who needs a purse when you can BE a purse.

Fly/Float: They can maintain constant flight/floating.

Farjump Potion: Can teleport

Scaly Potion: Body can be covered in scales (turned off with lightswitch)

Glow Worm: In combination with being very colorful and a space creature, they have shimmery glowing elements that can draw your attention to them. Which is perfect, because they loooooove attention.

Image size
1115x798px 311.29 KB
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