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Team IceCream



This is a collab team with Zero-Zivan and Moi!



Name: Napoleon Beanfoot

Gender: Female

Ability: Sheer Force - Removes additional effects to cause more damage.


Ice Beam - Napoleon followed Fain’s example and learned how to cool her insides down enough so when she shoots out some mud as her spit, it turns into ice, inadvertently creating a muddy ice beam.  

Headbutt - Napoleon runs forward, slamming her head into her target.

Roar - Napoleon lets out a fearsome roar that pushes pokemon away, there’s a chance the pokemon may run away entirely due to fear.

Rock Polish - Napoleon rolls around on the ground, polishing their body and making it so they are more aerodynamic, increasing their speed tremendously.

Nature: Lonely

Characteristic: Quick Tempered

History: Napoleon was born in the water locked islands outside of Tabira with her many siblings, uncles, aunts, and parents. Their family structure was more like a collective herd that took care of the young rather than two parents, meaning she had a lot of different pokemon to please when she was younger. She was raised as the runt, and was treated as such. Due to her extremely small stature her brothers and sisters would pick on her, making her insecure about her abilities. This led to her being very outwardly protective of her own stature and physical description, but she ended up internalizing the mentality, meaning no matter how far she runs from the islands, she will always hear them mocking her. She eventually decided to just strike out on her own when she was old enough to float in her own boat, setting out onto the sea, only for her to fail a few miles out after a wave smacked into the boat. She was saved by Fain, who helped her find the guilds and has been helping out ever since.


  • Napoleon’s great grandmother used to farm beans, it’s where their last name came from, but their farm was destroyed in a hurricane so their entire family was forced into a nomadic lifestyle.

  • Napoleon isn’t 100% sure if Fain is on her team or not, despite them being on the app she never formally asked if Fain wanted to join.



Name: Fain Birchwood

Gender: Female

Ability: Quick Feet


Headbutt - Fain rams her forehead against her target. If she hits hard enough, she might stagger them!

Growl - A low, cute growl can mystically lower the enemies’ physical strength.

Surf - Fain draws upon the water in the earth, air, or her own body to release a tidal wave.

Ice Beam - Rapidly cooling the air around her, Fain can unleash a beam of ice from the tips of her fur.

Nature: Naive

Characteristic: Highly Curious

History:.Fain was born to Dale Birchwood and River Peace with her older brother Arwyn in the waterlocked islands outside of Tabira. Their family was small - only themselves and Fain’s grandmother Ellen. She and her brother soon demonstrated a knack for magic, which Ellen hoped to train them in. Unbeknownst to the ignorant Fain, this bothered her parents, since they knew that magic led to witchcraft, which they hoped would not corrupt their beloved daughter and son. Because of this, her visits with Grandma Ellen became increasingly short after she learned to use Staryu and Starmie arms and other ingredients to make potions, and when at last she grew to 18 years old, her parents told her it was time to strike out on her own. Because of this sudden hermitage, she eventually met Napoleon at sea.



  • Fain has not seen her parents, grandmother, or brother in months and years, respectively. She isn’t sure where they are or what they’re doing, but believes that they are well.


  • Although technically a witch, Fain has an oddly positive view of her abilities. She also refuses to be involved with casting spells or preparing potions without the direct consent of the ingredients and lives involved - for example, she won’t use Staryu and Starmie arms without first getting permission from their owners, and prefers not to have to cut them off herself. In fact, she’s never seen much blood aside from small cuts in her life, and might faint at the sight of it. However, to the well-informed, she has clearly crossed the threshold from Mystics into Witchcraft, despite how polite and cautious she is.

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