RD Chap0 P01Pia-sama on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pia-sama/art/RD-Chap0-P01-395982960Pia-sama

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RD Chap0 P01



Welcome to the Rogue Diamond!

I really hope you like this story, guys. A comic about an alternate universe of MLP, with anthro ponies (and dragons, zebras, minotaurs, griffos as well of course), but the same beloved main characters such as mane 6 and Spike, being him the main character, in a very different Equestria.

Story by :icontheflimflambros: (FFB), he wrote a fic and showed it to me and I loved it so much I wanted it to become a comic, of course my friend FFB agreed :3 so we started this project some time ago, 2 months or something, it was hard to make it happen, but it's here already!
So drawings are by me, although I had a problem, I'm not a BG expert, and this comic has a lot of BG, as any comic does, and complex ones, so here we'd need help. Thankfully, we found :iconlennytribe: (Heimo), who kindly offered his help for doing the BGs, so he became our BG artist! : )
And finally, we have one collaborator more, although she started in future pages, so I'll introduce her to you accordingly, as I had to make all the edits for this chapter, and to "color" it, too (i mean they're all greys but I guess you get what I mean).
So yeah, basically, this is a groupal effort I really want you to aknowlodge, as I couldn't do this by myself alone at all.

I hope you'll enjoy this story as I and the team do, and if you really like it, we'll be doing more.

Updates should be every monday, as you chose in the poll I published yesterday. Page by page.

So we start with the prologue, which I wanted to call "Chapter 0" (It sounds 20% cooler, you know).

Hope you like!

Next (p02)

MLP and characters belong to Hasbro.

Story/script by FFB TheFlimFlamBros
Art and edition by Pia-chan (me)
Backgrounds by Heimo LennyTribe

Image size
1200x1697px 1.39 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Pia-sama
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And then everything goes to shit