Phrosh1's avatar


22 Watchers83 Deviations
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

Favourite genre of music: Melodic Death- / Pagan- /Industrial Metal, Trance, Hands Up, Gothic, EBM, C=64
Favourite style of art: Manga
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: PHILIPPS GO GEAR Spark
Shell of choice: Devan Shell
Favourite cartoon character: Zim

Favourite Visual Artist
Noizi Ito
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightwish / Ensiferum
Favourite Games
Unreal Tournament '99 + 3
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Breathing, Music, Programming, Anime

Profile Comments 11

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Gefaellt mir ;D
si ^^
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A very happy birthday! :party: :party:
Enjoy your day! :)
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