Contest - 2 Weeks Left | Admin

22 min read

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Phritz's avatar

News - 1st of July, 2008

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I is now an admin for galaxy club =D


go watch and if you're a space artist, JOIN! wait, I don't actually want you to join - means more work for me taking in submissions -.- so if you want to pile me with work, JOIN galaxyclub

As for the contest, just a reminder - there's two weeks left so keep them submissions coming! =D

Contest Details:

Ok, since I'm too uninspired to make spacey bits for this - I'm holding a contest!

Breaking Free Contest - Done by Phritz

Yes, I'm that uninspired haha - basically, use this render and add spacey bits to it go all out! I'm ending the contest on the 16th of July, if that's too short, I will extend the deadline.

So get those submissions going!


Because the winner will get 3 large landscape renders from me, one of their own choosing (as in they tell me what they want rendered) and the other 2 will be ones of my own choosing.

Runners up and honorable mentions will also get some nice renders =D

People who have entered or are interested: :)
Smattila :bulletblue:

Some of the prizes to be won: (will continue to update)

Breaking Free Contest Prize 1 by Phritz Breaking Free Contest Prize 2 by Phritz Breaking Free Contest Prize 3 by Phritz Breaking Free Contest Prize 4 by Phritz


:thumb88942764: by FacundoDiaz
breaking free by nisht by nisht
:thumb89203952: by ladydetemps
End Game by DemosthenesVoice by DemosthenesVoice
Terra Arcadia by Skylooks by Skylooks
Houston, We've a Problem by D3nim by D3nim
:thumb89376656: by FoleyPL
Fate by William-Vigori by William-Vigori
Contest Submission by RedXen by RedXen
Contest Entry-Battlefield 2782 by theKonstruct bt theKonstruct
The First Strike by CsmcVisn by CsmcVisn
:thumb89772830: by Broken-Lithium
:thumb89664664: by hekvl
The Beginning by sk8peace by sk8peace
Breaking Free by Smattila by Smattila

Breaking Away :WIP: by Jesus-Tks by Jesus-Tks (this is still a WIP)

That's all folks,



The News - 11th of June, 2008

I have a years subscription! I'll be using a free CSS for now, but I shall make an attempt at making my own :) I've done a forum skin, how hard could a DeviantArt journal CSS be?


Update - I've replaced the images, but I'm unhappy with the result, so I'll be making another update :)

12th of June update - I think I've finished the images and editing some of the coding, and I'm reasonably happy with the result, but might start from scratch sometime :)

Attrius's first artpack has been released!

Serenity + Stars End by Attrius

My contributions to it:

RedShift by Phritz
A solo, submitted to At Stars End

Sereneia by Phritz
A collab with seancruz and synax444, submitted to Serenity

Make sure you check out everyone elses contributions, they truly are awe-inpiring =D

The artpack is dedicated to the ending of one journey, Dmitry, the brother of Azaezello sadly passed away during the making of this pack. My sincerest condolences go out to him. But also to the beginning of another, my 18th birthday was on the release day of the pack.

Attrius - Serenity

   Sereneia by Phritz ATARAXIS by hoevelkamp
  :thumb88287384: The next time we go wrong by Star-one
   The Atrium by Crosseout Hold On by DemosthenesVoice

Attrius - At Stars End

   RedShift by Phritz Fall of the Phoenix by AngelAsylum
   F A T E D by Arctic-Affinity EXODUS by hoevelkamp
   Legion of Stars. by MacRebisz Refresh by dnb-nOise

Clubs, Friends & Stamps

:iconattrius: :iconwicked-landscapes: :iconterracult: :icont3rragend: :iconterradem: :iconspace-club: :icongalaxyclub: :icondeutsch: :icon1vue:

Real Life Friends:
:iconobliteratedsoul: :icongeroliva: :iconcherryjess: :iconaufsaibelle: :iconjuiceboost: :iconalivinglie: :iconpaperskeletons: :iconhai-thar: :iconxacidrefluxx: :iconkrazieretard: :iconelectric-city:

Attrius Members:
:iconnisht: :iconmacrebisz: :icondemosthenesvoice: :iconjesus-tks: :icondnb-noise: :iconlotay: :iconazaezello: :iconsynax444: :iconseancruz: :iconhoevelkamp: :iconbroken-lithium:
:iconsk8peace: :iconsgtgrandpa: :iconarctic-affinity: :iconphritz: :iconcrosseout: :iconstar-one: :iconangelasylum:

Stamps (yes, I'm a stamp whore.)

insane stamp by Aggrotard Procrastination Stamp by jenepooh Write your heart out stamp by LordViking Randomness stamp by tab-and-co Myspace Stamp by StephiLynn I Love Outer Space Stamp by RaptureCyner :thumb40955410: Attrius Stamp by Attrius :thumb60398770: Sexy Space Artist Stamp by DemosthenesVoice Be happy Dammit Stamp by DemosthenesVoice Wicked LandScapes Stamps by Casperium firefox by urbanAR7 :thumb88906990: Dungeons and Dragons Stamp by Maksn I Support Loud Music Stamp by Sora05 Nom Nom by Mr-Stamp There is no spoon by cfryant I Talk to Myself Stamp by Latias-Flyer EPIC WIN by Uberzers ::Insomniac Stamp:: by Sora05

Mature Content

So Many Stamps Stamp by neek-zique
Comment Before You Favourite by BoffinBrain :thumb57213782: Green Space Stamp by GoodiesForYou

© 2008 - 2024 Phritz
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Smattila's avatar
Here's my little doodeling for the contest [link]