Tranquility - smallphresnel on DeviantArt

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phresnel's avatar

Tranquility - small



Rendered with picogen (upcoming version 0.4)

A Tranquility in the morning, the sun arises and elegantly projects into the slowly settling night fog. Autumn, still warm, the world is becoming golden.
Some leafs have fallen already, raising the beauty of what remains.


This is the result of enriching picogen by the following over the last weeks:

* L-System compiler, interpreter, mesher (based on Algorithmic Beauty of
* Texture mapping and adding a generic material framework
* Add an additional cylindrical mapping camera (the previously used pinhole
camera had too much distortion for actual geometry like trees)
* Make translucent materials possible
* Make possible to combine multiple BSDFs (based on the PBRT approach)
* Add instance-primitives (which are basically pointer-to-objects with a
seperate transformation)
* Add a generic acceleration structure (Bounding Volume Hierarchy in
particular) to store tree-instances
* Add a triangle-specialized acceleration structure to gain more performance
for trees themselves

... and another plethora of code-bits not really worth mentioning one-by-one :)


Now I need some sleepery, please pardon moi if I check all watches tomorrow and instead get some sleep now :hug:
Image size
1109x595px 1.4 MB
© 2010 - 2025 phresnel
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Miarath's avatar
Looks wonderful!! Guess you really did get a lot of work done. :) :iconthumbsupplz: :heart: