PhotographyGuide Rules and Guidelines

7 min read

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Rules and Guidelines

Joining the group
:bulletblack: Join requests are subject to vote. When you submit that request- please tell us why you want to join. It will help us to guide you better.
:bulletblack: You must have at least three photographs which you took in your gallery in order to be accepted.

Submitting to the group
Bullet; Black You are allowed to submit one photograph per week.
Bullet; Black No dA watermarks - they make it hard to give feedback.
Bullet; Black We do not accept photographs that are older than a year; we can teach you much more if you submit your new work.
Bullet; Black Want to submit a tutorial or something educational? Great! Please send us a message so we can request it in the group!

Our Folders
At all times, there are a certain group of folders open:
Bullet; Black Photography Feedback: This folder is for photography only. If you want feedback on your photography, this is the folder you submit to!
Bullet; Black Artisan Craft Feedback: This folder is for artisan crafts only. If you have a craft, and want to get tips on presentation, this is the place to submit it!
Bullet; Black Traditional Art Feetback: This folder is for traditional art only. If you have a piece of traditional art and would like some tips on presentation, this is the folder to submit to!

Giving Feedback
Bullet; Black Make sure you give constructive feedback- we are here to help each other after all.
Bullet; Black No rude comments.
Bullet; Black If you receive feedback, please help the other person out by giving some back.
Bullet; Black If you are not okay with hearing about something that can be improved, please move along. We are trying to help you get better, but we're not here to boost your ego. Feedback means that we point out the good and the bad in your photo, not just the good.

Featured Folder
Bullet; Black The Featured folder is reserved for members who have made a lot of progress
This means: if we feel like you've been improving a lot with our help, we will move some of your work to the featured folder! This folder will also be home to special member-features!

Please be patient when submitting to the group! We get a lot of submissions, and it takes some time to go through them all and write proper feedbacks!

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Go here!


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anonymous's avatar
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seb360photomarketing's avatar

Oh good that i find you. I'll  post 2 more pics in my gallery then I'll submit my request to join.