i am a child of God, He is my life's motivation and i believe in Jesus Christ!i encourage you to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus, and make Him , Lord and Savior of your life.you will be happy and live victorious.
This is God's inpiration in me :
A God so big that makes you crumble
He washed your feet and was so humble
Reduced by love and by you Father
He shed His blood and made you wonder
How can a God love me so dearly
And make all sin crash down so clearly
Redeemed by faith and grace alone
No greater love was ever shown
I’ve fallen short and walked away
You sent your son and made me stay
I see the truth, i need the light
I want God always by my side
To trust You, still i need to learn
Embrace your grace and never turn
: i LOVE photography :
portfolio =>
ssergiu.daportfolio.com/ contact me * sergiusal@yahoo.com
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