Exif_browser Plugin  Gimpphotocomix-resources on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/photocomix-resources/art/Exif-browser-Plugin-Gimp-100256028photocomix-resources

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Exif_browser Plugin Gimp



Updated 28/10/200(
New version, (first dispay a sort of console , and that was not needed ..now is solved )
This is an Exif Viewer, mainly for jpeg photos taken with a digital camera

Is a plugin for Gimp ,the open source graphic editor, this version is for Windows Xp or Vista

To install copy or move in a gimp plugin folder

once installed you may found it in the gimp File menu/view exif

Coded by weskaggs [link] compiled by Francois Collard [link]

source code [link]
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No longer working. Missing
* libexif-12.dll 
* ibgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll
* libgimp-2.0.0.dll
* libgimpbase-2.0-0.dll

Windows 10 Gimp 2.8.16