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ethnic tribes of borneo



The exotic island of Borneo is rich with abundant tropical rain forests and home to many indigenous tribes with diverse cultures and traditions. Man first occupied this land some 40,000 years ago by living in the great Niah Caves in the region now called Sarawak. Later they built shelters in the dense tropical jungle, which evolved into longhouses. As late as the mid 1800’s, inter-tribal wars and clashes were part of the locals’ survival instinct, and head hunting was a spiritual excursion. Evidence of those perilous days are still present today as trophies of the not so distant past - soot covered skulls can still be found hanging along side the parangs, blow pipes, and spears, frozen in time, sharing space in the gallery of the longhouses.

There are still more than 25 ethnic communities that live in this vast tropical paradise. These are the 4 main tribes of borneo

* tis is one of my first touch wit Photoshop.. enjoy! :)
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an-urb's avatar
you've been there? the artwork really nice