Emoticonists Support StampPhlum on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/phlum/art/Emoticonists-Support-Stamp-215264114Phlum

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Phlum's avatar

Emoticonists Support Stamp



Please note that this project has not been updated for a good few years now. Original description as follows.


The main stamp for the Emoticonists Stamp Support Project.

Official Journal: phlum.deviantart.com/journal/4…
News Article: fav.me/n154130


24/2/12 - Added D-Kiddo, bradleysays, pixiepot, renekotte, Xanderpus and Nee-to.

16/1/12 - Added EmotiKai and 8-bitCoffee. Changed the framerate from 0.7s to 0.9s.

2/1/12 - Added litecrush, SanguineEpitaph, brunliek, greenafire and Nice-Spice.

20/12/11 - Added the people from v6 that weren't added earlier, plus Emotikonz, happy-gurl, Sailor-Pikmin and Dead-Deviant. Removed a couple of people either by request or due to them leaving deviantART.

08/08/11 - Added catluvr2, chrsfaria, fear-the-brilliance, horber95, IceXDragon, DryBones44, KatataEtc, Phlum, inoner, nikkittie, pjuk, Ravenswd, Lushbob.

25/07/11 - Added Czar-the-Dragon, Steph1254, AutumnOwl, LedMaiden, Nironan12, PokeartKid, BlissfullySarcastic. Changed submission limit from 2 to 3.

11/07/11 - Added CubicInsanity, Droneguard, ROBlNHOOD, ClefairyKid, GemDeDude, DoctorAviator.

27/06/11 - First version; added yarjor, Kath602, Synfull, xxghost250xx, stuck-in-suburbia, Oktanas, CookiemagiK, spring-sky, SparklyDest, Krissi001, EastSideSunsets.

Thank you to all participants!
Image size
99x56px 63.18 KB
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SweetCreeper132PL's avatar
Can I be added?

"Individuals cannot make entries supporting themselves."

Oh, ok