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Chibi Progress sheet



    BIG FILE IS BIG. Just a friendly warning. ;P Final picture is here: [link]

    I've been working on these guys for a few weeks now on and off between commissions, and today since I was feeling a bit better I decided to finish them. This is a progress sheet (not really a tutorial, just step-by-step) I decided to make along the way for all the steps I do when drawing my chibis. |D

    Description of the steps (everything was done in SAI aside from the last step) :

    1. Super rough sketch phase. NAKED YAY. 8D You can see that I totally changed everyone except for Jake and Nicole lmao. The one of Jake on here was scanned, thus why he's the only one with more detail.

    2.) Refined sketches ~ This is normally my favorite part, because I tend to shade things in and everything is a lot looser. :XD:

    3.) Inking stage! Most time consuming out of everything I think because I get particular with details and I get mad because I loose a lot. :T This is also the stage where I color the eyes--they're always the first thing I color because I have the most fun with them. :3

    4.) Base colorssss quickest stage of all because select+bucket tool = win. 8D

    5.) Shadingggg. I shade everything with one brush EXCEPT the hair, which I cell shade.

    6.) The hair stage. I do this whole extra step to make the cell shading more soft, add the highlights, and make everything shiny. :la: (Also Danny's bag loves to change colors pfff)

    7.) The OMG THERE'S COLORS EVERYWHERE stage. Once I've completed the normal shading I normally go over things with different colors. Blue and purple are my favorites and they look good with a lot of things, so I've been using those the most.

    8.) I color the lineart and make it blend more with the picture so it's not all harsh and black. Plus this is the more-shiny stage. I color drop colors that are already in the chibi's, such as the red on Danny's DS, the yellow on Claire's star, and the greens, and I make them glow/spread them around the picture.

    9.) Final and last stage, and this is when I go to Photoshop. I throw on some textures, copy the layer the chibi's are on, gaussian blur it, set it to 'soft light' and lower the fill. It really makes the colors pop and I love how it looks, so I use it on almost everything. :XD: I picked it up from this epic chibi tutorial btw: [link] :la:

    :bulletblue: Art © =Inyxi
    :bulletpink: All characters © =Inyxi and ~Riaya

    :star: Tools - Paint Tool SAI + Photoshop 7 for color adjustment ~
Image size
992x5936px 4.22 MB
© 2011 - 2024 PHkins
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thekettle's avatar
This is so epic! I absolutely love it. I'm just now getting an interest in doing chibi art work or anime in general [so not my style of things, but love challenges].