
71 deviations
39 deviations
107 deviations

33 deviations

1 deviation
414 deviations

79 deviations

445 deviations

177 deviations

173 deviations
242 deviations

Various XNA Models
195 deviations
XNA Adult
118 deviations

Batman Models
119 deviations

Bayonetta Models
29 deviations

DC Superhero Models
12 deviations

Dead or Alive Models
54 deviations

Devil May Cry Models
17 deviations

Dragon Age Models
36 deviations

Fallout Models
36 deviations

Final Fantasy Models
76 deviations

Killer is Dead Models
24 deviations

Lollipop Chainsaw Models
11 deviations

Mass Effect Models
92 deviations

No More Heroes Models
9 deviations

Onechanbara Models
14 deviations

Resident Evil Models
147 deviations

Rumble Roses Models
14 deviations

Silent Hill Models
132 deviations

Tomb Raider Models
121 deviations

Sticklove Models
9 deviations

XNA Poses
45 deviations

XNA props
62 deviations

XNA Sets
77 deviations
XNA XPS Tutorials
75 deviations

GIMP Tutorials
67 deviations

85 deviations
78 deviations

Useful stuff
40 deviations
info on mental health.
hello squeakies. fairly somber entry for you today.. all my life i have been called various names, had numerous insults thrown at me and for my 30 years I've felt like a freak, an outcast, ridiculed by those who don't understand. throughout my time, I've been called a drama queen, a spoiled child/teenager, an immature brat, an attention seeker, selrf victimiser... you name it i've heard it like a broken record. that doesn't mean it hurts any less. and it only serves to make me more confused about my identity and question my existence and relevance to those i know. there are reasons for all of this. i have, among other issues, ASD. autism...
20 deviations

44 deviations
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning, In-depth Review
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning In Depth ReviewThis a in depth review of Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning.GoodAwesome writing. Written by the awesome R.A. Salvadore, author of the Drizz't Do'Urden series and many DnDs, Forgotten Realms, and many other books.
Every character looks and acts like a person. Deep, awesome, writing. Convincing characters.
Every place looks like a real, functioning place.Loads of choices.
Nearly ever quest has multiple choices. One quest alone, to be a second in a duel, has at over 4 choices. Quests can be approached and taken in multiple ways.Beautiful, huge, world.
The world is very beautiful. Huge, open, no place y...
Written Collection
9 deviations

DA Hypocracy
37 deviations

Devil May Cry
12 deviations

1 deviation