Now I know how it feels... Somehow, it enforces my suggestion Be notified of DDs given to people you watch and the secondary suggestion/corollary of notifying people when they get a DD.
Now, it is quite obvious when you get lot of faves and comments on a given piece, but even then...
Anyway, thanks to Tepara for suggesting that Watching you? could be a DD and to DCZed for giving it.
Somehow, I am a bit disappointed I got a DD for my script, not for my art. But actually, I am happy!
And this choice doesn't really come as a surprise, since I am a much better programmer (trained for that, doing it daily for years for living) than artist (self-taught, occasional practice)... And most of my scripts are among the most popular pieces of my gallery...
I still owe a number of features in my latest journal. I must find some time to do them. I sure don't forget them anyway.
I also have tons of deviations in my devWatch waiting to be purged or looked more closely... It will be worse when I come back from holidays...
Although I am in holidays for quite some time already, the days are flying by and I hardly find some time to do productive things in dA (eg. uploading the stuff I scanned).
I will go away for a week, so no answers for a while...
Recently a cousin owning an Wacom Intuos 3 graphics tablet lent it to us, so we can try it. My wife was starting to think it would be cool to have one (she does posters and ads) and knew I would like to have one too.
So we got the opportunity to try it and thought it is great. So we jumped the step and bought a Wacom Bamboo Fun (A5 format). It was cheaper and we thought if it was too limited, it would make at least a great tool for our kids: Intuos is too expensive to left them play with it.
After doing a drawing with Intuos, and a similar one with Bamboo, I can say they are similar enough (for beginners like us) not to buy the Intuos right now. Ie. the Bamboo will be enough for some time.
Actually, I even prefer the "paper" touch feeling of the Bamboo. The Intuos might have better options (finer pressure sensitivity (twice many levels), better resolution (twice much), more buttons and two touch strips vs. one touch ring, tilt detection) but for most of them, we don't really need them. Perhaps in the future, if we hit the limits of the Bamboo.
As expected, I had trouble using it with Gimp (and probably Inkscape). I saved the link to the solution some time ago, to answer questions in Software forum and in case I ever get one...
The link is: Bug 496958 – Wacom Bamboo doesn't function with GTK apps in Win32 (Gimp, Inskscape). The comments explains how to fix the issue with an hex editor: you just have to change a byte in a DLL file. Really easy to do, and it works very well.
So expect to see my first tries (a bit ugly but hey!) and more color graphics in my gallery (gasp!).
See you in a week or two!
Some time ago, I participated to a feature meme. I wasn't subscribed at the time, so I didn't made one myself. Recently, I participated to two others (FeuSigil and Eru142), and I have no longer that excuse.
</p>So here it is:
I will update this journal for each (batch of) answer(s)!
[EDIT] First batch of features! Don't hesitate to comment here to be featured!
Not much. I should update my Greasemonkey scripts, I made some small adjustments. Most of them are in, but I hadn't updated the dA pages yet.
I plan to translate my comic pages to English.
I still owe to frozenpandaman a kiriban for 3,000 (talk about being late!), I made a preliminary sketch since a long time, I think it will become the final work...
I made my little (30s) film for Ani-Jam and sent it, I wait for the final result. It might be also my first film deviation, and I plan to do the planned animation (I made a simpler one to meet the deadline) where the ferns are growing. See
for details.
Still playing with Processing, that's a nice tool. Will draw mazes with it. If you look at my CSS experimentation playground, you can see beating hearts in the header. I made them with Processing: by fixing some parameters, I can make them in various styles and colors, etc. Perhaps I will do free avatars on demand with this!
Not much planned on the drawing side, still must scan my comic with Prune.
Lately I read a lot of the public transports. I always did, but it was these free newspapers. Now I read books from my local library.
I recently read Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials (À la croisée des mondes in French) trilogy, after having seen the first movie which I liked.
I am enthusiast, it is one of the best books I ever read (along with the Harry Potters I would say...). It has a good, consistent universe, a solid, well woven story, and despite the apparent child (or, rather, teenager) target, it is deep and mystic and an adult can enjoy it a lot.
A must read if you are not afraid of big, profound books.
On a much lighter side, I have read two volumes of Don Dracula by Osamu Tezuka. This is a very funny parody of Dracula classical movies, which moved to modern Japan with his daughter.
They are confronted to modern problems, and Tezuka develops well the father-daughter relationship, while making the reader laughing out (usually I just smile at such stories).
Just before, I have read Lady Snowblood, the manga that inspired Tarantino for Kill Bill. Superbly drawn and interesting story with historical roots in Meiji period (some adult material).
And I have just read the first volume of Cross Game by Mitsuru Adachi. I am fan of this mangaka, I like his laid back humor, his style of drawing, his storytelling. I have most of his early works in Japanese manga, but not much yet of what have been translated in French. This first volume is excellent, moving, and I hope I will find the followings at the library.
That's the problem with libraries: you often cannot start to read a series because the first volumes are missing, and after the start you have to wait for the gaps to come back!
I was more lucky with Dance! Subaru as I found the 11 first volumes. I am at vol. 5. It is about a girl dreaming of dancing, fueled by the drama in her life. Nice dance images, and good work on psychology, even if likelihood isn't the strong point!
I just stop there, I fear you felt asleep by reading the above!
Yes, I love manga!
Yes, they are so contrasted and/or so detailed
Naah, it is dull and boring
Finish them first, go color them!
javascript:var es = document.getElementsByName("supermoodid"); es[0].value = 0; void(0);
javascript: var co = document.getElementById("reply"); var ca = document.getElementById("zoomed-in").parentNode; ca.appendChild(co); void(0);
tags!My account is quite quiet currently, even though I am active on dA, answering messages in Suggestions and Programming forum, commenting on deviations, trying to catch up on my overfull deviantWatch list... And I keep discovering interesting deviants!
I don't draw much, I program a bit, I am planning to participate to a few contests even though I am not sure to meet the deadlines... So I don't promise anything.
I have some old drawings scanned, but I have to do a bit of clean up before posting them, so I postpone them a bit...
Anyway, I though I could make a little casual journal to give some news and show I am still here...
As you can see, I am subscribed again! Yay for CSS experiments and beta testing (currently Portfolios!). And a bit more comfort in browsing and managing the message center. I might try to do a new poll too.
My current one year subscription is thanks to Age2003 after the contest he held and that I won. He was away from dA for a while, that's why I was unsubscribed for some time, but it's OK, real life has to have a higher priority than dA life...
And one morning, I had the pleasure to see a FedEx man bringing an envelope from California to me. Inside, there was the nice Fella plushie! I am happy (I am fond of plushies!) and so are my children.. (That's the other part of the prize.)
spyed has put my Watching you? script in his collection of deviantART Ideas which was some time in the top of collections, bringing even more faves to an already appreciated script...
Somehow, my Greasemonkey scripts are more popular than most of my drawings... Actually, it is logical: I am a professional programmer, trained for that and with quite some experience, while I am an amateur artist, self-taught and with less experience (I don't do that for a living!). So it is OK, I suppose, and the attention is still appreciated.
Another good news: I have now a new computer. Not a fancy super-modern one with a gazillion of cores, a "simple" Pentium 4 of 2004, which is already better than the previous one... The good thing is that I paid nothing for it: my company has moved to a new place (not far of the previous one, but with lot more space) and some computers and screens were deemed as obsolete and promised to recycling... But they allowed some employees to take one each, and most of them went this way... I grabbed the computer, a keyboard and mouse, and a cathodic 17" screen. And the Windows XP Pro license coming with the computer! It would use some more memory, but it is OK, and I type these words on it.
Oh, and I might get some things from my Amazon Wish List because I helped somebody re-coding a site (the main page and the Pizza & Wings page). The design is the original one, but I re-coded it entirely to use modern CSS and HTML instead of tables and monolithic big background image...
That's all for today, see you soon!
Oh, and take a look at my faves, there are beautiful things there!