DeviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium.
Print preference: As big as possible
Favourite Music Artists, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beethoven, Bach.
Favourite style of art: Photomanipulation, HDR Photography, Space, Astrophotography, Digital Art.
Operating Systems: Android, Windows.
Favourite cartoon characters: Philip J Fry, Butters.
Favourite Quotes:
The Secrets Of Evolution Are Time And Death. - Carl Sagan
The World Is A Dynamic Mess Of Jiggling Things. - Richard Feynman
Favourite Visual Artist
Trey Parker And Matt Stone.
Favourite Movies
Donnie Darko.
Favourite TV Shows
Dexter, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Futurama, American Dad, Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beethoven, Bach, Blackmill, Two Thirds.
Favourite Books
Lord of the rings, Game of thrones.
Favourite Writers
J,R,R Tolken, Dan Brown, George R. R. Martin.
Favourite Games
Skyrim, Battlefield 3, DayZ
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360. Pc.
Tools of the Trade
Nikon 3200, Photoshop Cs6
Other Interests
Music, Cars, Xbox, Photoshop, Drums.