Astronaut Sloth SpeedpaintPheoniic on DeviantArt

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Astronaut Sloth Speedpaint



A 2.5 hour speedpaint I did for my awesome friend Jonathan :iconcactuar333: for his birthday!
Coupled with another gift it's sort of a combined Christmas/Birthday Present. u v u (That's why I waited to post it)

I printed it out big on some nice glossy paper. I hope he likes it! :D

Bahaha... guess my signature is backwards. :iconheplz:

I'm not sure where the astronaut sloth came from, but it's a meme of sorts. ^^;
Image size
2000x2726px 1.31 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Pheoniic
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Oh, thats GREAT!
Dude, how can I get painting things like this, I mean, how do I start?