Rhino Tattoo - 1/10Pheagle-Adler on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pheagle-adler/art/Rhino-Tattoo-1-10-636441139Pheagle-Adler

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Rhino Tattoo - 1/10



Looking to complete my new, tough "biker" look, I decide to get a glowing green rhino head tattoo, but I fail to heed the artist's warnings and expose it immediately after leaving the tattoo parlor. The tattoo starts glowing and a green aura surrounds me immediately but I am oblivious, only acknowledging how great I feel.

My newest comic drawn by :iconaltered-zangy:!

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Eagleknight226's avatar
Cristana! (A symbol meaning exorcism appears as the tattoo vanishes) that tattoo would have changed you into a creature that should never be here, your lucky I stopped it.