I'm PhaseBurn. Also known in some circles also as Relecade, though, those circles are getting smaller and smaller. I'm not really sure what I am any more. IRC Geek. Computer security professional. Networking monkey. Some day, I hope to figure it out. Until then, enjoy some brain droppings.
Current Residence: Denial
Favourite genre of music: That which Doesn't Suck (tm)
Favourite photographer: Thierry Cohen
Favourite style of art: 3D Renderings, Anime
Operating System: Custom/Gentoo/Arch Linux
MP3 player of choice: audacious
Shell of choice: bash
Wallpaper of choice: I generally make my own...
Skin of choice: DarkIce (deviant of ThinIce)
Favourite cartoon character: Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes)
Personal Quote: That which the flame does not consume, consumes the flame...