So I just discovered that there is no more news feature! I'm sad! Don't forget to help get these awesome stocks exposure by faving this journal too!!
Kidlets - so much cute stuff! Seriously under appreciated idea here!
:thumb52013568: :thumb166126129:
:thumb188141862: :thumb212193653:
Props - These are just darn cool!
:thumb142174674: :thumb53324729:
:thumb165951522: :thumb268169210:
:thumb117294953: :thumb16396540: (this is kind of a giggle! I've used this stock!)
Portrait - The wet hair is awesome!
Of Hidden things - because we all need a little mystery!
:thumb94061417: :thumb158776377:
Elle stumbled forward onto the beach on hands and knees, just as a wave crashed against her. She fell forward onto her stomach, gasping for air as she tried to catch her breath. Her muscles screamed, her shoulders and arms trembling uncontrollably from the excruciating swim. Her legs cramped, needles of pain crawling over her calves when she tried to stretch her legs. But she had made it, she was alive.
She rolled onto her back with a groan, her whole body protesting. Staring up at the starry sky, Elle pushed the damp hair that clung to her cheeks out of her face, bringing herself up onto her elbows. She looked out at the water which shimmer
This week I present stock which are very important and without them mine and other people art works would never be created. So I chose the best stock in my opinion, very usuful and some of them are art work in themselves. So enjoy and remember visit feature people profiles :)
:thumb137799011: :thumb150251924: :thumb155951913: :thumb11744108: :thumb278458915: :thumb168800006: :thumb111662923: :thumb45385583: :thumb138185202: :thumb36265097: :thumb106517238: :thumb196139680: :thumb38813640: :thumb118685701: :thumb111301736: :thumb18959502: :thumb84760457: :thumb36155021: :thumb4090321: :thumb108495407: :thumb58281554: :thu
Stock Affiliates
~KristabellaDC3 (
Q. What breed is Moonshine/Mr Tabbyboy?
A. I don't know. Their parents were strays.
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