Kurt Cobain is the New BlackPetya-PoopyPants on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/petya-poopypants/art/Kurt-Cobain-is-the-New-Black-122892239Petya-PoopyPants

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Kurt Cobain is the New Black



Logo I did for my Visual Communications class. We had to choose a dead celebrity, I chose Kurt Cobain; for no reason other than he was the first person to pop into my head. I choose to make a mock on the classical -- skull and crossbones. I choose his guitar on one side; for his passion for music, and a spoon and needle on the opposing diagonal side for his heroin addiction. Lastly have 'his hair' to give more depth and aesthetics to the logo, as well as put his name on a 'license plate' that is being held by the teeth of the skull. The font used for his name is 'Aristotle Punk'.
Image size
1000x800px 164.68 KB
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omg! dude i love that!i love kurt cobain!