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ACNH-- Part 19-B




WOW, yikes, this has been WAY too long coming.  I know I joke with every update that I'll see you guys in a few years but I didn't actually mean it omg.
Obviously I made some changes to the order of events/locations/etc for story flavor-- having LOCKE running around the radio tower and etc for Many Updates is not a fun read imo, so I consolidated some of the major stuff!

Also.... my bird curse continues.  :(

I have just two Rocket cameos to include this time, one being Snooze's rocket, and when I first started drafting this page in 2019, I had included AngrySkitty's rocket as well.  Skitty sadly passed away at the beginning of 2020, and I wanted to keep her contribution to my silly little comic in as a very small tribute to her memory, as she was one of my confidants in the big spoilers of this run.  I miss her dearly, but appreciate every moment I was able to spend with her.

As always, as a reminder I will finish this comic an won't abandon it.  I'm sorry it takes me a long time between updates and I hope that even the ones like this aren't a disappointment to get after waiting so long.

To those who have stuck with me, thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart because it really is you guys who fuel me to keep working on these even when the tank is empty for me.  <3

Part 19-A
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