Winchesters' Laundry DayPetite-Madame on DeviantArt

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Winchesters' Laundry Day


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Winchesters' Laundry Day

Sam and Dean Winchester, the two main characters from the TV show Supernatural (C.W).

My first fan art of the boys together.

I must admit that, so far, as far as my Spn fan arts were concerned I went into an "epic" and "heroic" approach of the characters that is to say, most of the time, Dean posing with the Colt like a rock star or Sam revealing his dark side.

Great. But I actually forgot that :

1) I have a very particular sense of humor when it comes to zombies, monsters and B-series genre movies or pop culture related stuff in general (just check out my Resident Evil fan arts here : [link] if you have a doubt)

2) Supernatural is actually a show full of that particular humor mentioned above when it comes to zombies, B-series genre movies, well you got the picture and if you don't, just remember the hand of that poor guy completely crushed in the Home episode in Season 1. Saying that the walls were redecorated in red is an understatement (yeah but it was also awesome... :giggle: )

So for once then, no fan art with a moody Dean with the Colt on his side or Sam torn between Good and Evil. Let's say that it is just some fun with the way the Winchester boys consider a day at the office.... :D

I must admit that I had a lot of fun drawing that piece. I always wanted to add more blood and the skeleton was due to have all its organs spread on the floor but finally I thought it was a little bit too much even if one or two lungs displayed on the floor would have been awesome :rofl:

Stock :
- Sam : [link]
- Dean : [link]

Want to see my other Supernatural fan arts ? Then check out :
- Sam - Lucifer's Vessel : [link]
- Dean - All Hell breaks Loose : [link]
- Dean - Saving People, Hunting Things : [link]
- Dean - Abandon all Hope : [link]
- Castiel : [link]
Image size
1548x1002px 1003.5 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Petite-Madame
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idrankaliqourstore's avatar

The audible gasp I let out after seeing this I love this TOO much