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PeterRollar's avatar

OSX Mountain Lion logon for Windows7



This only works with Windows7 SP1 32bit and 64 bit
DON'T try it on another version

Learn how to remove the original language button in the left upper corner( if there is one) here[link] Thanks to :iconlee-whittington: for the hint.:)

Be careful what you are doing. I'm not responsible for any damage of your system. Don't try it if you are not an experienced user and if you have no installation disc to repair your system if somethings going wrong.

Use the background changer of your choice to change the background.

Want to learn how to remove unwanted buttons from the logon?
Follow these links[link] [link]
Not sure how to take ownership of a file or to lazy to walk through all the dumb steps to do it?Get a registry edit on AskVg which adds this option to the context menu[link]

The buttons for shutdown/shutdown options and ease of access will appear while mouseover their default positions.

No redistribution in Transformationpacks/Skinpacks allowed! (Hamed and comrades)


:new: 64 bit files added
Multi user picturebug fixed

Featured on AskVG[link]
© 2013 - 2024 PeterRollar
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Damianyourman's avatar

does sp1 short for service pack 1?