Crimson RiderPeterPrime on DeviantArt

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Crimson Rider



A great combined army of the northern and western tribes and clans marched on the northern lemurian fortress to break into the empire. These warriors were cunning and brutal and share a very long history of bloodshed and constant wars.

It was this campaign that was the crucial turning point in the lemurian warfare. The army of the tribes faced a newly reformed lemurian regular army, as well as three of its elite branches, namely the Protectors of Light, the Dragon Cavalry and the Saints, the royal guard.

 After months of heroic defense from the weary northern lemurian garrison, the reinforcements finally arrived to assist in battle. Even the first skirmish was brutally effective with the mighty dragons from the lemurian dragon cavalry and the stalwart knights from the protectors of light. The dragons decimated the vanguard of the enemy and terrorized the savages while the other unit held strong during the defense.

This picture shows Crimson Rider Alaric and his dreadful companion during the great northern campaign of the lemurian empire. They are the second-in-command of the Dragon Cavalry, the unit's most brutal duo.

This is from my ip,
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youre missing goat horns

but its still badass