Devils poolPeterJCoskun on DeviantArt

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PeterJCoskun's avatar

Devils pool



If the devil had a swimming pool it would be this part of the lake on this particular evening. Say what you will about the colors, but I kid you not it was like nothing I have ever seen. My favorite time to photograph the desert is during a storm at sunset (which is rare for the exception of summer monsoons). This was shot about 30 minutes before my last shot "rainbow", and as you can see there is a dramatic difference in color range. This was also shooting the opposite direction into the sun. It was raining pretty hard while I was getting this shot. I had to use five stops of neutral density filters to hold back the light (a 3 stop stacked on a 2 stop). And even then some of the frames were overexposed. This was the one exposure that was dark enough to get details all over even with the darkness beneath the sky. It's amazing that with all the warm light you can still see the blues of the water. The lake is just an incredible place. One of my favorite images personally, and one of the best displays of light I have been able to witness.

Antelope point, Lake Powell- Arizona
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700x467px 366.24 KB
© 2011 - 2025 PeterJCoskun
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HorsesRule8's avatar
Hi :)

This is a wonderful picture!

Great shot!

May I please use it on

I will fully credit you and show you the finish product.
