Christmas Dock Iconspetercui on DeviantArt

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petercui's avatar

Christmas Dock Icons



Christmas Dock Icons
β€’ Mac and Windows Icons
β€’ 6 Pngs at 256 x 256 ( for people who want to remake the icon themselves )
β€’ Big Thanks to ~mikejon45, he converted the Pngs for me. He is so quick even send to my e-mail. thank him very much.
β€’ Now supports Windows Vista. Again thanks Mike for the help :)

Check out other Christmas Gifts:
Wallpaper Package 1 : [link]
Wallpaper Package 2 : [link]
Wallpaper for 1280 x 1024 only : [link]
Cards : [link]

Non Copyright Product
NCP is a concept that i have come up with. With this NCP label, your artwork and other types of art or design is copyright-free, and royalty-free, it became a contribution to the human society, where everyone is allow to use NCP labeled artwork for any purposes. but your still own the artwork is just that you are donating your artwork to the human society.

You Can make profit from NCP label products:
If you want to make profit from a NCP labeled product, please take 5-10% of the money you made and donate the money to you local charity to help them to make this world a better place.

Want to learn more about NCP go to this [link]
Β© 2007 - 2025 petercui
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