The Grand Feature! (with new features! v.2)

12 min read

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Perynne's avatar
EDIT: Instead of flooding your message centre with my journal every day, I decided to go ahead and start filling up some of the remaining empty slots with people I watch who deserve to be featured. Only 3 more empty slots left after this update, so if I don't get them filled with artists from comments, I'll do one last update tomorrow. :)

Well, since I got tagged by two people, and then was featured by a third, I thought I'd go ahead and do this meme. :)

:bulletpurple: Be one of the first 18 people commenting on this journal entry, and I will add you to the Featured List!

:bulletpurple: For each of the 18 first people answering this journal I will put his/her avatar and the three deviations I like most from his/her gallery on the list (if I don't get 18 people commenting, then I'll pick randomly from people who watch/comment my work).

:bulletpurple: If you answer, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing the list with 17 other people (no you don't have to do this). The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone.

1.:iconlamppuzini:, the awesome lady who did this meme first and got me into it too through a feature. Her gallery has a lot of lovely fanart of Star Trek and One Piece.

2.:iconzinny-chan:, the energetic commenter who tagged me with this particular meme a second time. I always enjoy reading her comments on my work, and likewise her gallery is fun to browse through for the different variety of artwork.
Hira ID by Zinny-chan Moomintroll goes drag-queen by Zinny-chan Fox reminds of cold winter by Zinny-chan

3.:iconartofrivana: didn't tag me and probably doesn't even know of this meme, but she was wonderful enough to feature me in her journal which automatically gets her a spot here. I would've featured her eventually anyway since I really like her art style and the skilled way she brings out the character's personalities in her drawings. :)
Tomie by ArtOfRivana Bayonetta - Finished by ArtOfRivana Trapped by ArtOfRivana

4.:iconyoshifreak: has a smashing sense of humour and a unique drawing style to back it up. His comics parodying Left4Dead and Team Fortress 2 always crack me up.
Team Sexy Too by yoshifreak Isometrical Love by yoshifreak Acme Sticky Bomb Launcher by yoshifreak

5.:iconsirtiefling: is a wizard with a mouse and Paint Shop Pro. Like, seriously.  
Halberd For Breakfast by SirTiefling Virtue of Valor by SirTiefling Death Holds No Terror by SirTiefling

6. :icondeega: left a lovely comment on this thread, so I went to check out her gallery. Her photos definitely deserve more recognition, they are very vibrant and have a fun vitality to them.
arrogance by deega boat and mountains by deega illusions111 by deega

7.:iconmiizou: currently has only 3 drawings in his gallery, but those three are so full of awesome he deserves a feature. You can never have too much Samus.

8.:iconneesa: has a very lovely, soft colouring style that really lights up her drawings. Her use of vibrant colours is joy for the eyes.

9.:icontomvanrheenen: has been improving by leaps and bounds while I've known him, and his newest paintings display the abundance of talent that he draws from.

10.:iconaizictoxemia: manages to convey a lot of different emotions in her character drawings, from joy to horror and everything in between. She also does wonderfully clean lineart.
Spoon Legs And Dwayna by AiZicToXemia Saint Gemini by AiZicToXemia Little Chibi Dervish by AiZicToXemia

11.:iconliviazita: is a veritable guru of many talents. She can manage awesome 3D renders, along with sewing, photography and photomanipulation.
Crossed by LiviaZita Minami and Razah: The Secret by LiviaZita Real Fur for Mill. Big Cats 2 by LiviaZita

12.:iconmagicnaanavi: draws the most beautiful women you'll find anywhere on DA. Her use of colour, detail and texture is just extraordinary.

13.:iconhectigo: is an abstract specialist. It's amazing how many different things he can fit into a drawing.
Sky Fish Eye by hectigo

Mature Content

Electric Tail by hectigo
Throne of the Undying by hectigo

14.:iconroseannepage: draws the loveliest of zombies. :heart:
:thumb194923313::thumb177471712: TF2 Stickers: Medic by roseannepage

15.:iconthistlexandra: is another deviant whose artistic progress is just astonishing. She's definitely on her way to becoming a master artist.
Ready and Waiting by ThistleXandra Murke Art Trade by ThistleXandra My monk portrait by ThistleXandra



:bulletpurple: :iconartofrivana: is holding an awesome workshop! For more details check out her journal:….

:bulletpurple: I'm holding a manga workshop at the library of Turenki on the 5.2 and 19.2.2011. Please come say hello if you're in the area. :3
© 2011 - 2025 Perynne
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CaoimheFraney's avatar
Thanks for the badge and I was wondering if you would want to look through my work?