The MeetingPersonaOnMars on DeviantArt

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PersonaOnMars's avatar

The Meeting



Brushes from :iconboalynn-stock:
Marble tile from
Woman from :iconlilystox:
Man from :iconfalln-stock:

This is the final version of something I have been working on for about the last 2 days. First ever attempt at a photo manipulation and it turned out completely different to what I had planned in my head. >.< But I like it. I was kind of thinking of a scene of a fan fiction plot I have, from the Inheritance books and somehow I ended up with this. XD

"Her skirt swishes along the floor as she hurries towards the arches. There under the largest arch, he waits. A single rose in his hand. She stops. She peers around before lunging herself at him and envelops his lips with her own."
Image size
800x800px 265.94 KB
© 2010 - 2025 PersonaOnMars
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Mr-Joseph-No-One's avatar
Very dignifying. Amazingly done. Just a little adjust on the shadows and you are good!:D