persian-pirate on DeviantArt

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persian-pirate's avatar

Commission Price List (2024)



~ Support me on Ko-fi

This list is for non-commercial uses only (for commercial projects message me directly).

Starting 1 January 2024, I have made my commission list simpler.
Please note that I do not always accept commissions right away due to limited free time.
If you want to ask about something specific related to commissions (background, watercolours), feel free! Write me a message!

Current slots booked: 0/2

For bigger commissions (above $30 or so), I charge one half in advance, after that you get three proposal drafts from me and then after finishing everything from my side, you are expected to pay the other half before receiving the full-sized commission. For smaller commissions, you specify as many details as you can and pay after I finish, before receiving the full-sized image. (For unknown individuals with unknown origin on the internet, I just charge in front to avoid scam.)

My Tumblr (hoarding stuff)

You can also get a T-shirt, sticker or other cool stuff at my TeePublic store!

Image size
1500x1002px 1.78 MB
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