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PerfectParadox's avatar

Last Show for a Showgirl



Hmm, what to say about this piece. It started out as a doodle and a vague idea..I wanted to draw someone in one of those masks because I LOVE them...and I LOVE masquerades..

And yeah...I don't know QUITE how it turned into this xD I think she looks like a showgirl being held hostage or something LOL..But then one of my friends pointed out that she looks like a "splicer" from Bioshock..and I was like: "OMFGUHYEAH"

SO, she's officially a splicer being shot, there you go xD The end.

**(The blood didn't come out as dark on the scanner as it is on paper because my scanner sucks balls)**

Done in Copic Markers.

Image size
1500x1732px 506.25 KB
© 2009 - 2024 PerfectParadox
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Ike2248's avatar
Mind blowingly AWESOME !!!
IKE xxxxxxxxxx