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A night out



"Many different types of scum walk the lower city streets at this hour- addicts of all kinds, rapists, pickpockets, conmen, dealers, the occasional mafiosi... and some pigs, too- which would the cheerful name given to us by the aforementioned." -Police investigator Schaeffer.

So, I got this colored... or at least sufficiently colored to call it done. I might make corrections to things like the lighting values and maybe tweak some areas a bit, but generally it should be about done. I might later use this as a page one for a scifi short, but we'll see.

Also, this was (or has been so far!) a complete pain in the ass to color since I don't know any very efficient ways of coloring my pictures... hope it was worth the effort!

Original A3, Micron markers and CS3 for color.
Image size
1750x2472px 3.41 MB
Date Taken
Sep 23, 2013, 11:16:38 PM
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commanderjonas's avatar

This is one mighty impressive pic and an equally impressive city you got here :D

Is good :nod: