About Pen Stroke
Raised in the rural community of Ten Bale, Pen Stroke spent most of his early years on his family’s farm. However, his true passion lied in reading and learning and he eventually earned his cutie mark when he discovered he had a natural talent for writing.
He eventually left for Canterlot for higher education and currently is employed as an assistant librarian for the Royal Library, his dream to one day become its head librarian. In the meantime, he works the late evening, early morning shifts while continuing his education.
Pen Stroke is very interested in science and magic, especially theoretical branches. Pen Stroke met Batty when the pegasus was checking out a book during the late hours and Pen Stroke overheard him talking about alternate dimensions, a topic that falls heavily in the theoretical. While he finds Batty’s eccentricities to be tiring at times, he has found a strong friend in the Tramplevanian pegasus, who can always be counted on to make a day more interesting.
While Pen Stroke is a very intelligent pony, he is somewhat shy and has trouble with small talk. As to why he has books on his head, the earth pony finds it a more convenient way to carry books when at work, since he lacks magic and doesn’t like wearing saddlebags all day. Though, since he’s gotten so good at it, there are times Pen Stroke will walk around with books on his head for hours, having simply forgotten that they were there.
(In reality, Pen Stroke is a Wyoming native who is currently studying Computer Science in L.A. California, though he really did grow up on a farm. He and Batty Gloom were already online writing buddies for several years before Pen Stroke found out about Friendship Is Magic from some teammates on a class programming project. He gave it a shot, but was not a true brony until he and Batty Gloom ran into each other again thanks to Equestria Daily. Now, thanks to Batty, Pen Stroke is neck deep in the fandom and loving it.)
Where to find my stories
Most of my work first gets featured on
Equestria Daily, so head over there for the latest and greatest.
You can also find my work here, after a delay, as well as on the
Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Archive, which has a wonderful stealth mode for those reading in more public places.
Current Residence: Los Angeles
Favourite genre of music: Country, Show Tunes
Favourite style of art: Cartoon
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Personal Quote: Creativity is a flower best left to grow wild