Favourite Movies
LOTR, The Hobbit, inception, king kong, star wars
Favourite TV Shows
taken, Game of Thrones, Grimm, one upon a time, supernatural, agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
loreena Mc Kennitt, Oïo, beatles, paul simon, fleetwood Mac, Toyah
Favourite Books
LOTR, thomas covenant chronicles, discworld series,
Favourite Writers
stephen king, tolkien, stephen donaldson, julian May, Terry Pratchett
Favourite Games
atari H.E.R.O. frogger, scramble
Favourite Gaming Platform
Atari 2600
Tools of the Trade
my Wacon intuos drawing tablet
Other Interests
anything visually pleasing. my kids, spending time with my friends