Murder Misery part 1pengosolvent on DeviantArt

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pengosolvent's avatar

Murder Misery part 1



NOTE: this comic doesn't have blood or anything so it doesnt really fit the "mature content" guidelines, but it deals with death, touches lightly on really dysfunctional/harmful dynamics between people and some other heavy themes so if you're sensitive to that, be aware or just steer clear

Part 1: [you are here]
Part 2:…
Part 3:…

yaaaaaaay this comic is done now i can work on other things phew
it's based on the album of the same name

this is a comic concerning a cast of 5 (6 if you include the dead one) characters, the main character being An Unrealistic Police Detective interviewing suspects of a murder

this was... really ambitious honestly 
happy with how it turned out, but i know a few places i could have made better haha!

Image size
833x8675px 4.1 MB
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GermanQueerBoy's avatar
Excuse me, I’d like a hard copy of this. It needs to be published and shared way more.