Stockers with art accounts - COMMENT TO BE FEATURE

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Stockers With Art Accounts

Are you a stocker with an art account? Comment and I'll feature you on this page :)
Please only mention ONE art account per stock account user. So if it's a joint account between 2 users, then one each :aww:

:iconafina79-stock:'s art account :iconafina79:
Manipulation... mostly...
Ice Queen by Afina79 Deliverance by Afina79 Pisces by Afina79

:iconalinepotter-stock:'s art account :iconalinepotter:
Dreamy photomanipulations

:iconamazonofexeter-stock:'s art account :iconamazonofexeter:
Amazing nature photography :love:
Saying Grace..... by Amazonofexeter Salisbury Cathedral by Amazonofexeter Hardy - Male Lanner Falcon by Amazonofexeter

:iconaxy-stock:'s art account :iconaxcelia:
Traditional artist
Forever Together by axcelia Where's the Biscuit by axcelia Badger Patrol by axcelia

:iconcat-in-the-stock:'s art account :iconcat-in-the-mist:
He does do photomanipulations, but seeing as I love his fractals most, that's what's getting featured dammit!
Flowers of the Dawn by Cat-in-the-mist Antaeus' lair by Cat-in-the-mist

:iconcharadestock:'s art account :iconvotrereine:
Jack of all trades
:thumb61474309: :thumb49288174:

:iconchasingcat-stock:'s art account :icongflady:
Is Awesome.
Unwelcome by Gflady

:iconcomfy-bed-stock:'s art accounts
:iconkittylivers: Alice At Disneyland by kittylivers Happiness is...Happy warm swirls of sugar
on chilly mornings
with rising breath
and close by friends
make sleepy mornings
into happy mornings
and despite problems,
worries and troubles
dissappear in that cup
of warm happiness
Ink splatters and candle wax.. by kittylivers
:iconepsalon: A Christmas WishYou know I'll always be here
You know I'll never leave
I'll be close in the middle of July
And on every holiday's eve.
We're close enough to share our secrets
We're closer than any sisters could be
So here is my one Christmas wish:
That I could be the friend you've been for me
We've shared our joys
And our sorrows too
We've traded despairs
And made dreams come true
I know you can help me when I need advice
And I hope I can help you all the same
Whether it be on school or  friends
Your problems should never be a shame.
And here now on this Christmas day
I again want to give you this gift:
A pledge of my friendship and loyalty true,
And this is my greatest Christmas wish
vanishing loveI walk through the mist, alone and afraid;
Thinking of all the mistakes that I made.
Why did I think it was lust and not love?
How did I not see this gift from above?
Now I am lost, in the mists and the fog;
Thinking about you my mind starts to jog.
Where have you been? Could you still love me now?
Oh, if there's a chance, please do tell me how!
I'm sprinting now to escape how it seems;
A land of "If only," of hopes, and of dreams.
If only, if only, I had the chance,
I would hope and dream for love and romance.
I see you standing with a scattered view.
I keep running faster, but can't get to you.
The quicker I go, the quicker you fade,
And again I walk, alone and afraid.
Sorry[I'm sorry] for losing you {you're all I ever wanted}
[I'm sorry] for not being perfect {we all have flaws}
[I'm sorry] for the pain I caused you {I hate seeing you cringe}
[I'm sorry] for the fear I brought you {I didn't mean to be your nightmare}
[I'm sorry] for my rash decisions;
                       my childish ways;
                       my innocent behavior;
[I'm (not) sorry] for going beyond my limits {it makes me stronger}
[I'm sorry] for wanting to help {when it did nothing for me}
[I'm sorry] for feeling compelled to take control {when I knew I couldn't handle it}
[I'm sorry] for being your best friend {you deserve better}
[I'm sorry] for hiding secrets {it only burdened me more}
[I'm sorry] for hurting you;

:iconcubstock:'s art account :iconfurryfoto-fotography:
Just a little bit naughty... in the nicest way

Mature Content

false advertising by furryfoto-fotography
:thumb52836263: an intimate moment by furryfoto-fotography

:icondemoncherrystock:'s art account :icondemoncherry:
Rocks. End of.
the wintersmith by Demoncherry Hassling the Hoff by Demoncherry Breath of Life by Demoncherry

:icondrezdany-stock:'s art account :icondrezdany:
Vintage manipulations, nature photography and dreamy fractals
Time of dreams by Drezdany King of the animals by Drezdany Happy Birthday by Drezdany

:iconfaestock:'s art account :iconaway-with-the-fae:
Wonderful digital paintings
Nightmare by away-with-the-fae Snow White by away-with-the-fae

Mature Content

Red head by away-with-the-fae

:icongapystock: 's art account :icongapgirl:
A hugely talented photographer as well as a dedicated stocker :D
hope by gapgirl years ,and years , by gapgirl :thumb42099158:

:icongild-a-stock:'s art account :icongild-a-lily:
One of my favourite people ever :love:
:thumb66640770: :thumb61274287: :thumb56893451:

:iconhiddenyume:'s art accounts
:iconkymyume: Polaris by KymYume Light Catcher - Triangle by KymYume Lillies by KymYume

:iconiardacil-stock:'s art account :iconiardacil:
Beautifully soft, emotional manipulations
A Sailorman's Hymn by Iardacil Loreley by Iardacil Wandering wonders by Iardacil

:iconilovevacstock:'s art account :iconvacuumslayer:
Photomanipulations of Joy!

:iconjanedoestock:'s art account :iconjessicabader:
National Geographic standard nature photography
The Forest by JessicaBader

:iconjoannastar-stock:'s art account :iconjoannastar:
3D Goddess
Seeing Past by joannastar Faerie Enchanting by joannastar In the Dusk by joannastar

:iconjusuart-stock:'s art account :iconjusuart:
Dark manipulations and conceptual photography
:thumb65991589: :thumb66491773: :thumb66718541:

:iconkurama-stock:'s art account :iconkitsunekurama:
I Melt With You by Kirin-Rosenbaum Shining Star by Kirin-Rosenbaum Sleepy by Kirin-Rosenbaum

:iconlindowyn-stock:'s art account :iconlindowyn:
Fantastic manipulations, stunning photography... I love Lindo!
.Footsteps in the Hall. by Lindowyn Water Magic by Lindowyn I has a secwet by Lindowyn

:iconlucieg-stock:'s art account :iconlucieg:
Fabulous photography and funky 3D
Les joyaux de Mere Nature 2 by LucieG

Mature Content

Floating by LucieG
Apprivoise moi... by LucieG

:iconmehrunnisa-stock:'s art account :iconmehrunnisa:
Wonderful Still Life, portrait and conceptual photography
Love heals the Wings by Mehrunnisa Liberation by Mehrunnisa Alfama Series: 3 by Mehrunnisa

:iconmithgariel-stock:'s art accounts
:iconmithgariel: Giselle by Mithgariel B.I.T.C.H. 2 by Mithgariel The Liberator by Mithgariel
:iconvampiiritar: Look closely by Vampiiritar :thumb67970552: Chillipepper by Vampiiritar

:iconnoree-stock:'s art account :iconnoreecorrino:
Emotional photomanipulation with a gothic feel
:thumb63815778: :thumb62830738: :thumb66807851:

:iconrachastock:'s art account :iconrachabelle:
Beautiful nude photography and idyllic nature shots
Beach Sunset by Rachabelle Mossman Gorge by Rachabelle

:iconriddlesolved:'s art account :icondragonhope:
Full of colour
:thumb66352375: :thumb68346660:

:iconrldstock:'s art account :iconxxodorfxx:
Digital Photographer
Horseshoe Moutain - Becca by xxodorFxx The Hidden Heart - Becca by xxodorFxx Pine - Becca by xxodorFxx

:iconscorpia-novembra:'s art account :iconamethystunderwood:
Fractals, fractals and moar delicious fractals!
Sugar Cookies by AmethystUnderwood The Graduating Class of 2000 by AmethystUnderwood Inverse Algorithms by AmethystUnderwood

:iconserendipitystock:'s art account :iconkelseytroberg:
Fractalicious and loads of lush photos

:iconsilviet-stock:'s art account :iconsilvietepes:
Photographer and Photomanipulator
.-. SweeT .-. by SilvieTepes :thumb67412317: :thumb62452882:

:iconspiney-stock:'s art account :iconspinewinder:
Like a creepy version of a biology textbook
Put on a happy face by Spinewinder BioMech 1 by Spinewinder Zippit by Spinewinder

:iconstock-by-dana:'s art account :freekmunkee:
3D eyeporn. Oh yes.
Awestruck v2 by freekmunkee Trick or Treat... by freekmunkee Fairy Magic by freekmunkee

:iconswordexpert-stock:'s art account :iconswordexpert:
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that....
Dragonfly by Swordexpert Eyes are the windows... by Swordexpert Starfield by Swordexpert

My Artwork

I Support Them

Support Me! I Support PendleStock by FireLilyAS
Stamp: I SUPPORT CAPSLOCK by vendingmachinelunch the silent epidemic stamp by opioid For Anonymous Collectors by lindowyn-stock Stamp - Photomanips by kuschelirmel-stock

Stamps of Sex

I :heart: Cake by Alys-Stamps :thumb67962908: :thumb67629622: HA I'm Copyright Protected by de-Mote :thumb55609864: Birthdays are.... by UnicornReality I'm a stock artist.... by UnicornReality I am begging you by UnicornReality I :heart: Sushi by Alys-Stamps

Css by ClaireJones :love:
© 2007 - 2024 pendlestock
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Kirin-Rosenbaum's avatar
I see my self up there with my stamps but you ahve the wrong icon for my art account. :iconkitsunekurama: Isn't me. :iconkitsunekuramarose: is