Lion of OZPeNcIl-ReBeLlIoN on DeviantArt

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PeNcIl-ReBeLlIoN's avatar

Lion of OZ



Our Pre-production class is having us choose a story to create concept art for. Sweetest idea ever! So my mate :iconnubry: throws this idea at me, that we do the Wizard of OZ. Given the dynamic characters and kick ass fantasy setting, I thought it was a fricken great idea! Really gonna allow our group to stretch our legs creativity wise.

This here is my first draft concept of the cowardly lion (yeh, he don't look so cowardly at the moment, but we are being flexible with the story, he's basically a prince of the jungle of OZ going through a mid life crisis). More to come :)
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575x832px 93.14 KB
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