pegasusxcroquet's avatar


Needs satire to live. *_*;
97 Watchers134 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio

Current Residence: In Pegasus' bed room. O_o;
Favourite genre of music: Um, I'd be laughed at if I told you. ;_;
Favourite photographer: Photography is for untallented, lazy people who like to claim natural occurences as their own work.
Favourite style of art: I adore black and white pencil work, and well CGed stuff. ^^
Operating System: Windows XP [ T_T ]
MP3 player of choice: Musicmatch! Wooooo! [ Even though it's a stuborn foo, that kills my computer at times. ><
Shell of choice: Cow. Moooooooooo.
Wallpaper of choice: Any one with Pegasus-sama on it..! (( Or any with Kemo molesting small children. )) D:
Skin of choice: This question promotes racisim! D: I luff people ouv all kolorz!
Favourite cartoon character: Pegasus, Croquet, Kemo, Roland, Fuguta, Keith, King, Daitokuji, Saiou, Chronos, and BIG 3. D:
Personal Quote: Yes, Croquet is Pegasus' liaison, and Kemo is Pegasus' cross-dressing masochist...

Favourite Visual Artist
Lets just say this means 'doujinshi circle' : Aladin, Evil Eye, Mimimi, Duo Brand, and a f
Favourite Movies
Holy cow, I just realised this - All the 'Tremors' movies. XD
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I listen to evveerryytthhiinnggg. *_*;
Favourite Writers
Ray Bradbury is my GOD. Oh, and also; Firewing, and RemursBoilingPoint! ^.^;
Favourite Games
ROSE online, Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest...
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, N64, the random Nintendo Handhelds. [ DEATH TO MICROSOFT!!!one!111! D: ]
Tools of the Trade
I just don't know anymore. ;_;
Other Interests
Doujinshi, fanfiction, PegaSecks. D:

Off to China.

0 min read
AWAY I GO.Er, this Friday, anyway.Um, yes, I haven&#039;t died, everyone..!Just...been close to it. x_x;
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My midterms start this Tuesday, and because my grades in many a class are &#039;in the toilet&#039; so to speak, I&#039;ve been studying my brains off, and doing tons of school related blah.Hence, why I haven&#039;t been on. Almost at all. In the past month....Minus forum lurking, because I commission too much. XDI&#039;m catching up on all the emails and PM/Notes I have everywhere, so if it&#039;s even vaugely improtant, expect a reply [er, later today. XD ] sometime soon. ^^;And... PREPARE FOR AN ART DUMP! WAHAHAHA! [ SSRLY, for REAL-REAL-RREEAALLL. ]If you don&#039;t believe me, go oggle my photobucket account. Har. Like, ten things shall be tossed here in a bit.Things t...
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Pffit. It only took them a year. &gt;_&gt;;;Forwhat ever reason, three seconds after I posted the fiction which can be found at my LJ, [ same username, sooo... *Cough* ._. ] I got the banhammer for being 16.Ahwell, I was well aware of their rules, and being there could have gotten them in some serious trouble, so... I just have no idea why it took them so long. o.o;But why the heck did they take down the fiction I just posted? 16 year old girls can&#039;t write yaoi fanfiction?I&#039;m depressed... I can&#039;t stand DA&#039;s rules reguarding iffy-content, and am just waitning for my P/C ficclet to get taken down.Ahwell, I suck. This is the first time I&#039;ve gotten...
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Profile Comments 714

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I love your art!
Hey it is Mokuba-chan (from long ago XD) I dont know if you remember, but I changed my name to CaptainJam-Chan, and now to this, CrackedAladdin...Hope all is well with you :)
wow, oyu make cool stuff. I heard from the dude who made you a picture of pegasus with toon dragon as a pet that u make cards, is this true?
Ashley? How have you been?
Pretty good i guess?

I am writing to all the deviants who have me on their watch list. I am asking that you remove me from your list if you have not had any recent contact w/ me either via comments to my art or favorites. I'm trying to clean up my list of watchers this way, rather than go through and block everyone.

Thank you.
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