Current Residence: In Pegasus' bed room. O_o;
Favourite genre of music: Um, I'd be laughed at if I told you. ;_;
Favourite photographer: Photography is for untallented, lazy people who like to claim natural occurences as their own work.
Favourite style of art: I adore black and white pencil work, and well CGed stuff. ^^
Operating System: Windows XP [ T_T ]
MP3 player of choice: Musicmatch! Wooooo! [ Even though it's a stuborn foo, that kills my computer at times. ><
Shell of choice: Cow. Moooooooooo.
Wallpaper of choice: Any one with Pegasus-sama on it..! (( Or any with Kemo molesting small children. )) D:
Skin of choice: This question promotes racisim! D: I luff people ouv all kolorz!
Favourite cartoon character: Pegasus, Croquet, Kemo, Roland, Fuguta, Keith, King, Daitokuji, Saiou, Chronos, and BIG 3. D:
Personal Quote: Yes, Croquet is Pegasus' liaison, and Kemo is Pegasus' cross-dressing masochist...